Friday, December 11, 2009

Toddler Shoes Size Sz-j10


Here's a way.

To be a city street is not bad either.

construction has not particularly beautiful but not too bad, is equipped with wide sidewalks, bike lanes, benches and on both sides then, is softened by long rows of Liriodendron, trees tulips.

And since we are in autumn, the leaves of these plants and elegant giallissime make the route particularly attractive, so people walk will gladly measure the length, which is not short, dead-straight two miles of saffron.

From a technical point of view we talk about a stretch of two-way urban road with one lane in each direction, one of which, a hundred feet before ending at a traffic light junction, it splits into two .

Of the latter, the left one can only note the shift to the left, while the other can go straight or right.

Usually, Monday through Friday at around seven in the morning, the last three hundred meters near the intersection of our street are occupied by cars queuing at the lights.

The tail is formed slightly to the right, since most of the cars will continue in this direction, while only a small number will turn to the left.

This makes it rather easy to gain the traffic moving to the left, virtually giving birth to one lane long before they appear on road signs.

So far everything is clear?

Summary man in the street: there is a straight tail that you do not spend more, there's no one but you can only turn left.

The lack of culture among its merits the development of synthesis.

Returning to our road, it happens that some motorists who have to go straight (about one in twelve, calculated mean I do not remember that morning in October 2009), decided the best thing to do is move left, exceed the ordered sequence of diligent citizens waiting in the right lane, then cut his way through the middle of the intersection regaining the main direction.

There would be nothing to add to that this morning, different and equal to many others, sat on a bench between two of these beautiful trees, I had not noticed that the color of the leaves is not yellow.

Those mast to the left of the lane you are green, while those on the right are of a bright red.

Rest to contemplate this mystery while cars undeterred, continue to line up along the white strip of asphalt.

Creative Commons License

Il giocoliere by Stefano Berardi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 2.5 Italia License .

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at .

Creative Commons License
Miracolo italiano by Stefano Berardi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 2.5 Italia License .
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at .

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Repair Cat Scratches On Wood

fire flute No.8 - Andrei Rublev A little cardboard

fire flute n.8

Andrei Rublev

Theophanes the greek - All right, tell me one thing, but be honest, the people are ignorant or is ignorant? Eh? Do not answer me.
Andrei Rublev - E 'ignorant, but who is to blame for this?
T - is to blame for their stupidity and that's it! You have never sinned because of your ignorance Andrej?
A - I like the others.
T - And I the same. Lord forgive me in your great goodness, even if I do not deserve. Judgement day is approaching and we all will burn as many candles and I can already see what will happen that day, everyone will blame for what he did to others and will swear he is innocent.
A - How do you paint if you have these ideas, I do not understand and accept the praise that you do. I'd go a hermit and live in a cave forever.
T - I serve God, not men. Today men praise us, tomorrow we will cover the insults and the next day you forget about us completely. They forgot about you, you forget me, forget it all. All is vanity, all is over. Humanity can not help but repeat, through the years, through the centuries, all of its shares lower, those that do not honor. It 's like a vicious circle. If Jesus returned to earth, I think it would be crucified again, exactly as it was then.
A - If you can only remember what happened wrong, happiness will always be unknown.
T - Oh yeah?
A - Yes, even the bad things we should remember, however ... I do not know, I do not know how to express ... well
T - Then you better shut up and listen. Why look at me like that?
A - Tell me, is it possible that one can only do good?
T - But sure, sure, remember what is written in the New Testament, Jesus was to teach the good people at the temple, and they then came together for what purpose? Only to crucify him. Crucify him, cried with him! It was betrayed by Judas and was even denied by Peter, and they were the best, were his disciples.
A - Yes, but then repented.
T - after they repented, repented when too late, when he was already dead.
A - People do evil, unfortunately, this is known. Christ was sold by Judas, but there was clearly someone willing to buy it. The people? The scribes and the Pharisees bought it! But they could not find one person willing to testify, to testify against the innocent. But the Pharisees were masters in the art of deception and had seized power. They had seized power and kept taking advantage of the ignorance of the people. The people need someone to remind them that people like the Russians who have one blood, one earth. Evil is everywhere, there will always be someone willing to sell for a handful of silver and misfortune always rages against the poor. The Tartars, famine, plague, and the people he works and works and works and then carry his cross with resignation, without rebelling, without trying to defend themselves. Satisfied to pray to the Lord for giving him the strength. E 'is not it possible that the gentleman robbers if they are ignorant? Of course I forgive them. You feel tired and discouraged and realizes that is about to collapse and suddenly, his eyes meet eyes with another human being and it is as if he had received communion and feel refreshed, as if a weight had lifted off. You've recently talked about Jesus, maybe he died and was crucified just to reconcile God and man forever. Jesus the Son of God was all powerful and if he died on the cross, it means that it should be, means that this was the will of God, and therefore should never have to create hatred in those who loved him and that were close and were present at the end. They loved him as a man and leaving them alone to their fate, he did what was his father's will, but maybe that was unfair and cruel.
T - Do you realize what you said? They could send you into exile forever for the ideas you expressed.
A - This may be, but you always say what you think.
T - But I am a layman, and if I want to say everything I think I'm free to do so.
Andrei Tarkovsky, Andrei Rublev, 1966

Andrei Tarkovsky Arsenevič was born April 4, 1932 to Zavrazie in the province of Ivanovo, a small village on the banks of the Volga, the son of Arseny Alexandrovich Tarkovsky and Maria Ivanovna Višnjakova Tarkovskaja ... 27evi%% C4% 8D_Tarkovskij

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


Dall '"Andrei Rublev" Tarkovsky, who sees a dialogue comparing the pessimistic view of humanity to Theophanes the Greek and that troubled and doubtful but hopeful of Andrei Rublev. In seconds, Tarkovsky, talks about the sense of history and memory, the relationship between God and man, between man and his fellows, and between power and the people, it speaks of ignorance as a tool of power, the hardness of life, the purpose of art, evil and the good, the difficulty of believing in God and puts us in front of the imperfect nature of man. A very intense moment of the film where the director expresses his thought in all its dramatic force and expression, a universal thought, topical and deeply Russian at the same time, while on the screen, a powerful black and white, takes place a via crucis Russian rare beauty. The invitation to see or revisit this masterpiece of cinema is a must.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Vertigo Ear Wax Removal

passion for film led me in the early 90s to attend some courses in video capture and video editing, during a of these, very boring, I made this little box.

having only paint and a basic video editing program, I enjoyed putting together this board while the teacher babbling naive not to remember what a wonderful feature of the CRT dead.

E 'the equivalent of the scribble in the notebook or on the book during school lessons.

Sometimes even the doodles are interesting.

Creative Commons License
A little cardboard by Stefano Berardi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Italy License .
Permissions beyond the scope of this license May be available at .

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Can Vitamin A Capsules Be Use On The Face

fire flute No 7 - The Newspeak

Fire flute n.7


End of Newspeak was not only to provide a means of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the followers of Ingsoc, but also to make impossible any other form of thought. It was understood that, once the Newspeak had been finally adopted, and Archelingua, however, forgotten, a heretical thought (a thought that is contrary to the principles of Ingsoc) would have been literally unthinkable, at least in thought depends on the words that are likely to be expressed. Her vocabulary was made up in order to provide accurate and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could ask for properly understand. But excluded, while all other possible meanings, as well as the possibility of arriving by indirect methods. This was achieved partly by the invention of new words, but above all by the removal of unwanted items and the elimination of those unorthodox meanings that could be stayed and, as far as possible, the meanings in any way secondary. We will give one example. The word free still existed in Newspeak, but could only be used in phrases like "This dog is free from fleas" or "This field is free of weeds." But he could not be used in the ancient meaning of "politically free" or "intellectually free "since political and intellectual freedom no longer existed, even as a concept, and it was therefore necessary, without a word to express it. But apart from the deletion of the words were clearly a heretic, reduction of vocabulary was viewed as an end in itself, and no word of which could be done unless there was further tolerated. Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the possibilities of thought, it was precisely to meet this end, indirectly, minimized with the choice of words.
[...] All ambiguities and shades of meaning had been completely removed.
[...] How We have already seen in the case of the word free, words which once had a heretical meaning were maintained even at times because of convenience, but the meaning was as unfavorable purged. Countless other words such as honor, justice, morality, internationalism, democracy, science and religion had simply ceased to exist altogether. A few words served to cover them, and cover the abolished. All the words that were grouped around the concepts of freedom and inequality, for instance, were contained in the simple word psicoreato, while all the words that were grouped around the concepts of objectivity and rationalism were contained in the only words archepensare.
[...] In Newspeak it was rarely possible to follow a heretical thought beyond the mere perception, precisely because it was heretical: beyond that point, the words that were needed did not exist.
[...] The Newspeak, indeed, was distinct from most other languages \u200b\u200bby the fact that its vocabulary grew daily thinner instead of becoming more often. Any reduction represented a breakthrough because it was the smallest field of choice was more limited and the temptation to let your thoughts wander. It was hoped, eventually, to make articulate speech in the larynx itself, that should not call into question the centers of the brain.
[...] A person raised in Newspeak as his sole language would never know that equal had once also the secondary meaning of "politically equal" and that the word had been free to "intellectually free", just like a person who does not know all the technique of chess can not be a part of the secondary meanings of words or queen tower. Many crimes and errors would have been beyond the capability of being committed only by the fact that they had a name and either were not conceivable. It would also have predicted that, over time, the distinguishing characteristics of Newspeak would be more pronounced, his words would have fallen increasingly, their meanings were becoming more rigid, and the possibility of using them to blunder would have been reduced to a minimum.
Archelingua The day that had been replaced once and for all by Newspeak, he would have broken the last link with the past. [...] This meant, in practice, that no book written before 1960 very nearly could have been translated in full. This project was clearly admitted in the Newspeak word ocolingo, meaning "to speak like a goose" ...
[...] that we will be reaching the end, we will make the crime of thought, or the psicoreato, entirely impossible because there will be no words to express it.

George Orwell, 1984, Mondadori

George Orwell (pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair, Motihari, June 25, 1903 - London, 21 January 1950) was a writer, journalist and British glottoteta . Known as a political columnist and cultural ...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


imagined by Orwell Newspeak was imposed by the party / power by force and the people suited us to keep up with their own language, out of fear. But distort and impoverish the language to distort reality and limit freedom, are forms of control that can be pursued in a less bloody and more subtle than that described in 1984. The media, particularly TV and print, there will continue giving examples. In the case of TV (Italian), just watch a broadcast of the '70s, politics for example, and compare it to today, the difference, as regards the language, is impressive. We are witnessing a drastic and dramatic, sometimes comic, reduction of vocabulary. As for printing, some wonder more if a journalist headlines an article about a car accident: "Asphalt killer"? Is it not a reversal of meaning, and then of reality? The language, not only verbal but also and even more than the body, is routinely mutilated and disfigured in what are the main information channels of the country, where information is not intended for information providers but also for education, including language . This carnage language is plain to all and not arouse any reaction which would give rise to indignation or pyres of books in the streets, the means are more tricky but the purpose is the same and Orwell's warning is therefore, unfortunately, more valid than ever. "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world," wrote Ludwig Wittgenstein and our every day is a bit 'more limited.

Creative Commons License
The desert of the real by Stefano Berardi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Italy License .
Permissions beyond the scope of this license May be available at .

Friday, October 9, 2009

Ca Mobile Bartending Laws

silvietà show *

chairman of the board did not send away from rai Luttazzi, Biagi and Santoro and Guzzanti;
chairman of the board does not speak English as if he had swallowed a box of Geomag;
chairman of the board does not use his constitutional position to promote their businesses;
chairman of the board does not threaten journalists who are not hired with the gesture of machine guns,
chairman of the board does not call the leaders to recommend rai soubrette;
chairman of the board has never given the Kapo Schultz MEP, Chairman of the Board
does not pay journalists to write what he wants him
chairman of the board seats is not bestowed in exchange for sexual favors;
chairman of the board is not a personal use state television;
chairman of the board did not enter politics to save themselves from the processes;
chairman of the board has no problem with the Italian language;
Chairman of the Board does not assign seats with patronage criteria, the president of
Board has never given balls of Italians;
chairman of the board does not gaffe with the powerful in the world;
chairman of the board does not go to bed with minors;
chairman of the board has not boycotted Montanelli;
President the board does not ad personam "laws;
chairman of the board does not attend prostitutes;
chairman of the board has not made the lifting;
chairman of the board does not use cocaine;
chairman of the board does not use viagra;
chairman of the board is not the mafia;
The prime minister does not mind;
the massacres of the 70 are due to Renato Rascel, in fact, after there are no more dead state;
nano-particles are carcinogenic, at least not the seven nano-particles of known
Osama Bin Laden is a Japanese manufacturer of pens;
the DC-9 exploded Itavia up because of Ustica a fart;
the Twin Towers were brought down by aliens
the squola itagliana is the best in the world
Enrico Mattei is drowned;
the Catholic church is poor;
Jesus of Nazareth was an atheist;
Giuliano Ferrara is thin;
the Duce was not fascist
Oil is drinking
the shit is good;
white is black;
evil is good.
yes and no;

* Society of the Spectacle, Guy Debord :

Creative Commons License
silvietà The show by Stefano Berardi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Italy License . Permissions beyond
the scope of this license May be available at .

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Does Maaco Do Payment Plans

NomeCorto - TitoloLungo

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What Does It Mean When The Backs Of Knees Hurt

fire flute No. 6 - The company Horizontal

fire flute n.6

The company horizontal ;

there a way of understanding the community that is not based on hierarchy, but the idea that humanity should be promoted through a harmonious collaboration in which each, according to their opportunities, contributes to the emancipation of the individual and the progress of society as a whole.
The basic element is the exact opposite of what leads to inequality, separation and exclusion. Humanity does not live, not emancipated, does not progress through the selection, but paying attention to each component. The origin of this idea is the conviction that every person is valuable in itself, constitutes a value, a dignity. This way of understanding, in turn, result in the recognition of the same "kind" that everyone sees in himself. [...]
The recognition of the other, of all others, has the effect of perception of being part of mankind (and not specific areas of the world [...]) and awareness of the existence of a connection with each of its components, consisting of the common denominator of the species. [...]
hold that humanity better by improving all of its components is not only a way of feeling, a conviction existential background, but it is also a concept based on criteria of utility, which is developed along the lines of two different profiles.
Under a first aspect, starting from the observation that, in varying degrees, all may contribute to the progress of society, it is clear that in the long run, the exclusion of "other" would only delay or even prevent harmonious development of the human species. [...]
Under the second aspect, noting the current state of evolution, it is clear that the increasing of the penalties (extreme poverty of a large part of mankind, [...] proliferation of weapons [...]) that affect or are already able to hit anyone in the near future depends on its application development model opposite.
The organizational model of society provides a homogeneous distribution of horizontal loads and opportunities, duties and rights, especially fundamental ones, namely those that form the basis for a dignified and precondition for the emancipation of the individual. If, as we have seen, the person is dignity itself, if it is a value, it follows the right to life and to express their opinion, the ones to move freely within the territory, to join with others to pursue legitimate purposes, the personal freedom to have a house, get an education, maintain their health, to find a job.
Since every person has worth and value, these rights are granted to any member of society, without exception. As a result, no one can be physically eliminated, reduced to the status of a slave, hindered in expressing their thoughts. At the same time every member of society has a duty to not represent a threat to the lives of others, not to subjugate other people to satisfy their own interests, not to remove the word to others and so on. [...]
say that "we are all equal before the law" is to say that anyone in similar conditions should be treated the same way as other [...].
Equality before the law did not have the consequence that into the lives of people all the same as photocopies, forcing a uniform and repetitive existence. Ensuring the recognition of fundamental rights (primarily the right to life) on one side and equality before the law on the other, individuals are crafting their own emancipation.
The company is qualified not by the horizontal path that its participants are drawn through, but the guarantee that this path can be undertaken by all in non-discrimination, in which everyone has available to every possible means. [...]
The horizontal society, in fact, considered the principle of equality, each of the participants holds a considerable number of choices, which include also the description of who assumes the responsibility for administering the company. To be able to choose one must know the alternative information so it is essential to the very existence of this god society.

Gherardo Colombo, rules, Feltrinelli

Gherardo Colombo

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


"Justice can not function if citizens do not understand why the rules. If you do not understand they tend to circumvent the rules when they see tiring, and breaking them, when they respond to their will. Why justice functions must change this relationship. "
This moves the argument from which Colombo converge to a text whose simplicity is strength. Clarity and evidence are the reasons why "the rules" goes deep and stays there as a brick foundation of our civic sense. The classic text that should be included in the Italian education program (if in Italy there was a decent school). Crystal clear in the examples as intended, says Colombo: "I have resigned to take my grain of sand on the road to change. These pages are a part of that grain. " More than a grain is a monolith, of those who make the species evolve and we hope it arrives soon another.

Creative Commons License
by Stefano Berardi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 2.5 Italia License .
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at .

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Teck Beta Game

For the last time live from the rest ... THE END

Monday, June 29, 2009

Shiny Stone Encontrar

Reflection. Sorry

Stop a moment and see what happens it seems more appropriate than ever. Among the many reflections that we made the most important: we want it really so bad?
do not know who actually reads this blog, do not know who says, do not even know who sends us seganalazioni and reflections, we know that there is so much wickedness. Hopefully, at this point, only the few people who read us.
In everything there are some gray areas. In election campaigns, in organizations, in everyday life. It certainly can not deny. But criticize, criticize, only attack, playing off one against the other is really the solution to our problems?
We tried to point out the things that we believe could be a spur to the comparison. Sometimes in a neutral, sometimes ironically, sometimes with post bipartisan sometimes partizan, we believe we have acted, neither more nor less than any individual acting in a community. With sympathy, with antipathy, sometimes we have written things sensible, sometimes foolish. In short, we have acted "humanely", the term passateci.
We always have in defending anonymity. Because we believed that we could not compare civil the weight of friends or memberships, with loyalty and respect. Now, we wonder and we ask, we did well? We have failed?
A simple blog, of course, does not mean much for the world but we, we Ravello, we are still able to respect each other?
What we are asking is: to continue or close this blog. Why? Why go on like this is useless. You do not need a comparison, does not help us, does not serve you.
they ask and I'll ask you in serenity.
Comments bad, vulgar, attacks personal, in Ravello we are capable of more?
Surely you but if this blog has become just that, then no.
Built in bankruptcy and friends as before.
Friends, because we are friends of Poggio, true friends, that in the diversity of opinions, are compared, are sent to that country but always with mutual respect.
to you ...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Bareback Pad Stirrups Dangerous

We humbly apologize ... but the service was out notifications ...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Black Stool From Red Wine

42 Times Typical products Felice

After posts of thanks expressed by the three local candidates, runs the BER go, even for me to address warmest feelings of gratitude to those who have believed in my name, but especially in my last name.

After a grueling campaign conducted with the air of all time, I am HAPPY. Of the 48 preferences and grant me quacuno during the count, they wanted to force to make void.

A special thanks is addressed to my representatives, until 3 in the morning after the counting, have watched as everything went the right way.

Nevertheless, only 14 votes I was not allowed to sit in Parliament. This result should not be read as a defeat, indeed. And who knows me knows that I'm happy. Mastronzo.

Felice Mastronzo

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Doll For Men Masterbuation

the parking ...

The municipal administration has launched an experiment for the direct sale of agricultural products by farmers, who are qualified law.The 'sales activities will be carried out in the first lot of the parking of Piazza Duomo, on a daily basis, from 8.30 to 20.00 ....

this link for more clarification:

flock ...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Confirmandi Letter To Priest

Ravello Festival Press Conference ... missing someone! The urn

Rome June 11 - (Adnkronos) - Investing in times of crisis on art and culture, the fundamental resources of our country to do so and 'needs a good dose of "Courage." It 'as said Antonio Bassolino invoking the leitmotif of the Ravello Festival 2009 presented this morning in Rome at the headquarters of Regione Campania by Domenico De Masi - President of the Fondazione Ravello was founded in 2003 and soul for over 30 years of the event - from the Director General Stephen Valanzuolo and last but not least for his inexhaustible creative energy, from director Lina Wertmuller dela Section Cinemusic.
A format, that of the Amalfi Coast, without denying that the Wagnerian mold of traditional chamber music, is aimed at multidisciplinary ': eight sections in the program (from symphonic music to dance, cinema and the visual arts, theater-news 'complete edition of the re - design) more' of 100 events over five months and the presence of 800 artists from all over the world. These are numbers that international appointment, in a series of daily events, will take 'the road - on the stage overlooking a panorama of the most' beautiful in the world - June 26, with the return of the orchestra to the direction of John Axelrod the Teatro San Carlo and the piano Ivo Pogolerich. Do not miss the debut of the great violinist Vadim Repim Campania and in the night between 10 and 11 the traditional concert at dawn, one of the most 'famous festival, as well as outstanding between the sticks, Jeffrey Tate.Tra what 's new this year for the Jazz, the highly anticipated duo Korea-Bollani first time ever on stage, give life, with strokes of the plane, not a challenge, but rather an exchange between the sounds' jazz fusion Chik and those of the young composer Bollani, who became internationally famous for his experiments.
Unprogramma ambitious, with a budget of around € 2 million and a half (the one made available by the Foundation for two-thirds private Monte dei Paschi and only one-third public, the province and city region), which points out how even De Masi to "seasonally adjust" the festival, a goal made possible by the acquisition of such spaces Villa Episcopio-known to most 'for being Jackeline Kennedy's summer residence, but also the home of Lieutenant of the Realm Vittorio Emanuele - Auditorium and Niemeyer, next inauguration, whose project won dall'archistar of Brasilia, had been blocked for years. The intention of the promoters in short, making music and not just 365 days a year, also pointing to the training, a school of cultural managemant will allow 'young people from around the world to study and work with teachers in Ravello of exception for cinema Lina Wertmuller. Section A young man who still plays the "role of poor relation" - said the director-growing but because 'the purpose and' to cultivate the beauty, the art of cinema, history and landscape, as the "oil" of our country.

Monday, June 8, 2009

How Much Does A Sprinkler Valve Cost

said ... HAPPY

Salvatore Di Palma Ulysses 642 votes
Salvatore Di Martino 436 votes 144 votes
Gerardo Russo

Create Your Own Wrestling Belt Freegames


For "14" rating does not reach the threshold of 4%.
Someone has betrayed!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Black Poo After Red Wine???

closure campaign.