Saturday, May 30, 2009

Games Where I Can Get Pregnant

Vote and then vote ...


AMALFI, ATRANI, CETARA, Conca dei Marini, Furore, Maiori, Minori, Positano, Ravello, Scala

For President Angelo Villani
Antonio De Luca
List President Salvatore Di Martino
Young Pasquale Lucio Amatucci
Popular Casimiro Di Crescenzo
LD Franceschina Pisani
Verdi Marco Russo
Prc Rosalba Sorrentino
IDV Gerardo Russo
Socialists Pasquale Apicella
Left Dominic Brown

For President Edmund CIRIELLO
Salvatore Di Palma Vincenzo
Fp Mammato
APC Gaetano D'Emma
Meda John Rossi
Center Luigi D'Uva
DFC Francesco Fusco
Apl Andrea Cretella
New Psi Matthew Bottone
Mpa Fulvio Mormile
The Right Alessandro Russo As
Maria Pironti
AdC Joseph Fusco
Udeur Antonio Milo
UDC Giuseppe Lembo
Dc Alfredo Ventura
Mpi Chiara Gambardella
League South Rachel De Luca

For President Antonio GOOD
The Sun Anthony Piscitelli

TORRE Valerio President
Al Communist Mario Riccardi

Applications are not in the order that is on the card

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cb President George Problem

King Auditorium!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Interests To Put On A Resume For A Clothing Store

Poets Are Coming!

So passat jug and three Ca ann
decive cà facimm
much cos you're still festeggiann
nuje sti things nun and verimm

You and vanquished thee sagliut assettat
chillat and lost and if it gives peace
nun vo is mistakenly understood abdominal
nuje grow old bal carut from the frying pan into the fire

dint parties and parlat
sweet potatoes good quality and no one take it
food and solidarity for the elderly but not
well tell me chist'ann stamm below na tent? The Brazilian covered auditorium

obstructing or nun vuliv ago
ago we were saying: "Ravello is a monster ruin" or
mo mane nun tien and dint know what makes

Sorrento and Amalfi Positan
Stu country c'ò envy or munn
Facite ambress passat a man Until
cu vuje finimme a funn

O Sapimm ca nun you are willing and able to speak or
Sann and pret
Although even here all is quiet
cummannà A chill is that you're arret

O 'Poet

OBLIGATION quote the source

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Viper Filmstream Looks


After 3 candidates in the province and the last-minute candidacy of one of our fellow citizen in the European Parliament;
After the extraordinary success achieved by a RavelloTyricon, the director of the renowned Ravello Blog satire and not take the field.

Vote and vote ... Do

Friday, May 15, 2009

Herpes Vs Canker Sore

Hello Susanna! The

Your memory will remain indelible in our memory ... dear fellow citizens who suffered t'innamorasti Ravello

Monday, May 11, 2009

How To Make A Rabbit Cage With Blue

Resignation Part II

receive and publish

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ringworm And African American


RESIGNS Secondo Amalfitano

receive and publish:
Dear City Council Ravello, the undersigned, under Article Secondo Amalfitano. 38 of Legislative Decree no. 08/18/2000 No 267, resigned from the office of City Councilman. Ravello May 10, 2009
In witness Secondo Amalfitano.

During the presentation of the election campaign of the PDL, Secondo Amalfitano, announced that head Monday morning protocollerà his resignation from the office of alderman.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mysore Gay Cruising Points

A "Beef Grill" ... or "herringbone"??

in Ravello, on the road you are doing a lot. This is evident from the state of our roads, from dozens of holes that make our adventure travel especially in motor, from raking in the case stone facades that are in a pitiful state, the problem of tourist buses (which has even prompted the SITA complaining about the parking and the inability of wild buses to transit in Via Boccaccio) ...

Great, great consideration is given, however, to scooters. Last year, more or less the same time, parking for motor vehicles in Via della Marra was moved to Gradillo. So we reported it and we said that the Via della Marra area, would become the land of the rental with driver and car parks, well, creative: Unbelievable but true: we were right!

few days ago has left hand on P ian Viability: a refreshed at crosswalks in the area two Lime - Poste a nice yellow box with text next to the bus platform at the entrance of the old tunnel (by moving the stop up to 3 m.) three other yellow boxes for the disabled in the parking lot at Via Boccaccio, one under the same gallery near Piazza Duomo and then the most brilliant thing of all: what??

Redesigning the parking for the motorcycles Via della Repubblica! How?

back exactly as it was three years ago!!

But it was said that that solution was dangerous, is going to shrink the road too, bla bla bla bla bla bla ...


But as they say, is change your mind by intelligent people!

My Son Wants To Wear A Cheerleader

Tg3 The Weekly of May 2 09 ... The City of Music. We manage the whole

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Japanesse Women Molested Train

Auditorium ...

Continue the discussion on the future of the Auditorium Oscar Niemeyer. After the letter signed by the directors and staff of the Ravello Festival, the response of the Mayor, both published by Morning and the beautiful letter Claudio Gubitosi, father of the Giffoni Film Festival, yesterday (available at the Morning or Positanonews) today, May 7, is published by the Republic the following letter, signed by Prof. Domenico De Masi (President of the Fondazione Ravello), Prof. Mario Rusca (Board of Directors of the Foundation) and Stefano Valanzuolo (Director of the Ravello Festival 2009). Bone of contention, insurmountable obstacle, as has been repeatedly apostrophised dall'Ammistrazione Hall, is the position of Amalfitano According to the direction of Villa Rufo. A personal position which blocks the uptake of a structure such as the Auditorium. It seems really embarrassing to endanger an entire community for a purely personal diatribe! We wrote entire community because the structure is not neutral, it will need money to exist, let alone whether the municipality can afford to keep it idle or pay the money to us citizens! Pending the development, launch a survey on the future work .

Ravello The letter is in the fortunate situation of having a beautiful landscape, rich architectural heritage, a rich hotel infrastructure, a number of beautiful historic villas, a 'efficient administration, a foundation sighted.
Now there is added an auditorium designed by Oscar Niemeyer. Not many countries can boast anything like that. All this and much more, flows into the "Project Ravello" might become "dynamic" if you remove the local causes that some years now afflicting the country and if you implement a governance model that can be connected to the funds public and private sponsorship with the requirements of the City and with the social aims of the Foundation, further consolidated assets of Ravello.
Perhaps the Auditorium, which so far has been a bone of contention, may provide an opportunity to finally turn the page and pacify the country, paving the way for the creation of a socio-economic development model based sull'intreccio virtuous culture and tourism. So Foundation confirms the availability, repeatedly assured, a management agrees inauguration and the Auditorium, Niemeyer's masterpiece that would be for Ravello what the Gehry museum in Bilbao is now. The entitlement to manage the Auditorium since its inauguration is the Foundation from its founding partners - including regional and municipal authorities - which have the specific tasks assigned by statute to "protect and enhance, in cultural and economic terms, the goods of interest art and history located in the town of Ravello, promote and coordinate cultural, scientific and artistic sites that make the art-historical Ravello the venue for prestigious national and international levels ". If the Foundation were to be ousted from his mission, he would no longer reason to exist.
Based on these statutory prerogatives of the Ravello Foundation, the Fondazione Monte Paschi it became part of it and has consolidated its presence is not honoring financial commitments to be minor. Based on the same statutory powers all directors and employees have worked hard for seven years, ensuring members and Ravello body copy.
The Auditorium, which is not a local but a fact the world is an essential piece for the seasonal adjustment of tourism throughout the coast and for completion of the Project Ravello. However, it requires a complex and solemn inauguration management of the highest level, representing a real challenge, overcome only if the will of the City and the professionalism of the Foundation converge in a synergistic effect.
As the Foundation has repeatedly indicated it was long overdue and worthy to organize the inauguration of the management. The plan put together by the City is short of breath and low profile. If funded by the Region, to expose a bad figure, also against Brazil. On the other hand, establish and manage the auditorium is a difficult task that can only be achieved enhancing the competence and commitment of the Foundation. Only she, in fact, has four operational areas (administrative, production, communication, marketing)) and eight sections of art (the symphony team up visual) being handled by experienced directors of competence. All this organizational machine is ready to come into operation on a roll and a development worthy of the Auditorium. But only an unconditional
synergy with the City may cause the Foundation to assume the heavy burden of this firm and lost time, fielding its organizational capacity, its cultural strength and its international network. And this solution goes through the whole provision of local content issues, through the pacification of the country, now split in two. Any solution which points to the hegemony of either party, would expose the Foundation (which must always remain impartial) to the grievances of the other. The stakes are crucial forces in the field also have historical liabilities to future generations. O takes this unique opportunity to create an excellent model for new territorial governance, peace to the country and run it in the world, with great benefit to the whole region, or the entire "Project Ravello, wasting massive investment of money and brains, collapses miserably, condemning the Auditorium to become a yet another scandalous white elephant. With this latest, otherwise available, the Foundation has made all his steps towards collaboration. Now it's up to others do their part.
Domenico De Masi Stefano
Mario Rusciano

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Butal Apap 325 Caff Tab

... From the First Letter of the new policy!

I think we sang Edoardo de Crescenzo
but I think there
there still believe the shock
nnuje a bit there 'save'
noticed you make a nun 'mbriacato'
How many letters ... and then he says that people do not write more!

Dear voters and electric on the Amalfi Coast this is the first of a series of political statements that I intend to release to clarify my political position and to explain the reasons that led me to accept the nomination to the province in the list Di Pietro Italia dei Valori. My goal is also to bring to public attention a number of problems of the population of the Coast also common in other areas that do not seem to have the right emphasis while still being felt in the subject that is locale.Uno closest to his heart is as follows: THE POLITICAL PARTICIPATION
If an ordinary citizen would be asked to attach an adjective to the term "policy" probably the most popular answer would be: "DIRTY - HAZARDOUS-tainted" . In practice is something from which to stay away as much as possible. If this is the current opinion, there is a reason! Apparently some of our local and national politicians have not done much to uphold the reputation of the class! The problem is that politics is based on consensus and therefore on the number of votes or more votes that the candidate fails to secure the party to which he subscribes. There are very few senior party leaders who say a candidate: "Go quiet, carries on the renewal of your policy and it does not matter if you get a few votes." The second part of the sentence is very, very difficult to say.

Since the policy is based on consensus, then, before the election, it triggers the "recruitment drive" during which all parties are trying to corner the candidate who offers the highest package of votes without the slightest interest in the moral qualities of the candidate and how that guarantee those votes! Let's say that somewhere (like mine) the threshold of attention on the candidates is higher but the goal remains to take as many votes as possible. The nice thing is that disarming or better, by now, the "leap of quail" does not offend anyone. For many politicians move from an array of center-left to a center-right or vice versa has become routine (consistency this unknown!). You should accaso where more or better where you have more chance to make a political career that guarantees some job! This kind of attitude may in part explain the unenviable reputation of politicians in Italy and the sense of revulsion that the policy generates many citizens. Well, after this idyllic picture that I left you a glimpse of you, rightly, you ask, but, then, because you're a newcomer to the policy you choose to accept the nomination and the chance to become part of this world?

Well, certainly I can not say that illustrious friends have called my job and I was urged to accept this challenge (perhaps because I do not have famous friends really). In fact those few friends that I have consulted I have strongly recommended to enter the political arena citing the usual reasons:

1) but who makes you do

2) you have you own an asset to the public

3) the policy is not suitable for those ideals

4) politics reign supreme evil, malice and personal attacks

5) all those who "bring" in politics do so only for personal interest

6) you'll see that someone does not greet you more

The greeting! Well, if I had doubts whether to accept the nomination that was the spring. That made me take the decisione.Noi who live in small towns know that sometimes the local elections can become almost dramatic moments where you compare the sides a armed against each other (with the aggravating circumstance that you are familiar with all of them). Adhere publicly to a team in practice, you do so at your own risk. For voters, in fact, openly siding for a list means facing the possibility that the leaders and members of other lists, in some cases, they take it to death. Become the real possibility of "not feeling to respond to a greeting" just because you vote the other way. The problem is that the "phenomenon" may be set aside not only lists but also to the members of the "supporters" that can sometimes be the most rowdy. Of course if the principal representatives of the lists and gave a good example by taking berating those who adopt inappropriate attitudes to the voters and opponents of the candidates would solve the problem. Unfortunately, these interventions do not always mitigate the moods you experience. It can happen, then, that if you go for a coffee in a particular bar, you go to shopping in a particular food shop, there you go cut hair from a particular hairdresser etc etc or even if you greet a person then you could hear the little word of friend and the friend who "dissuades us from having these acquaintances ". Well, the end result is that some, not to question the "military" policy, when they can, a real risk that that person is not healthy and not to go for coffee in that cafe, etc. just because it's the other side. When you get to this (fortunately rare) then it is the end. The country is riven by internal feuds that they may even "split" families and relatives also close fight between them because the other has voted otherwise. After this picture "reassuring" the general policy and local level that I have drawn you think those are the ones who approach the project with enthusiasm and proactive attitude and disinterested in politics with the aim to improve things? Few, but very very few! With the result that the policy at the local level remains in the hands of the usual suspects who want to be good, let's say that does not favor the entry of new players in local politics in the future that could gain credibility and create an alternative list. Let it never be! It took me a bit ', but I got to the point.
Well my candidacy paradoxically aims to get as many votes as possible but is much more bold and utopian: to promote a generational change of local politics in each country of the coast, giving visibility to people who otherwise would not have the chance.

reiterating that I greet you all in improving things

I believe it.



Friday, May 1, 2009

Jelly Braclets Color Meanings

the Fourth letter ....


THREE YEARS OF OPPOSITION ( of Secondo Amalfitano)

Three years after the last elections for the renewal of ' Municipal Administration of Ravello where I was not winning for 14 votes of difference, I try to take stock and to outsource some political considerations.

aftermath of the vote:

· well aware of how agonizing for a small town in an electoral competition;

· well aware that just 14 votes of difference is there were too few to make you feel satisfied that the winners resigned the losers;

· well aware that the question of "Blood and Sand" would be mounted high on either side;

· well aware that we witnessed a "deja vu" in the way of "happily administer" the country;

· well aware that my person would benefit from keeping the tension high and without the scepter of command ;

· well aware that any other attitude that is not what the war to the bitter end and dell'aizzare the crowds, he had no positive impact on my person;

· well aware Ravello and that many projects could not afford to put in a race without end;

· well aware that I was going to ask yet another sacrifice to my family who have always had suffer the actions of the bad guys and idiots, which are present in Ravello perfect world average

· well aware that many friends would not read my positive action,

· well aware that after eight years spent to grow most of them civilians, socially, culturally, ethically and morally the country, I could not escape the nth duty;

· well aware that the whole world had appreciated my work did not deserve to be disappointed;

· well aware that my continued support, as the only one, true, true paternity of the realization of ' Oscar Niemejer Auditorium, albeit with the help of many friends, would only further damaged the project execution; well aware of this, decided to maintain line-rare, limited to a few appearances in my presence the City Council, commanding not carry out any action to the many abuses and illegitimacy carried a lot by the administration in office, never to set foot in City Hall more physically, not to answer any of the many provocations that in many ways I have rained down on him, not to denounce those responsible for criminal and civil offenses committed in my comparisons, I decided to also undertake to give my contribution to solving problems in the administration office, to seek to lessen in any way the negative repercussions of the disastrous current administration, they will still have to get to Ravello and Ravello on the beneficial effects of the action of many friends who honored me and I honor their esteem and friendship thing more painful, I decided not to claim any credit on the implementation of the auditorium, leaving that day after day to become the auditorium of everyone except me, until the last farcical antics of 25-April at the yard, when people have no dignity concealed the truth with chameleon and actions worthy of the best trasformistiche intriguers and barkers neutral. Shame !!!!!!!

More than half of what Ford is the outcome of so much action?

ü A municipal government that still goes on the hunt for guilt and blame, rather than thinking to manage the extraordinary inheritance: an organizational structure and the administrative and legal services and excellent unique in the Coast and beyond, tens of millions of Euros to spend, a design for hundreds of millions of euro, worldwide exposure, a universal appreciation of the actions undertaken by my administration, to the favor of many Ravello organizations and people (the media with the political right and left, by entrepreneurs world-famous unique technical;

ü A municipal administration committed only to demolish everything organized, planned, designed and supported by previous work in this sweeping demolition also the people, or rather, the personality that most were by my side;

ü a municipality that in three years made an action, I say, in support of culture and social growth;

ü An administration that has completely confused the public even on the institutional hierarchies such as Vice, not the first and second means; adviser is councilor; Minority means 4, not 0; delegation means doing something different from the facts of their own and

ü One group, even a small group of intriguers and denigrate the profession, especially with the use of new technologies, have seen fit to devote their entire life (I do not think they ever could and can do more) to destroy my person, with insults and slander of every kind and type, invading my life not only public but also professional and private. People, or rather quacquaracquà that even with the anonymity Ravello reduced to a fourth-rate blog, in which all the evil you can think of Ravello is attributed to one person: myself, even correct me, two people: I am good company the unfortunate De Masi, having thought about it, unfortunately for him, fall in love with Ravello, is more often guilty of ideas and mutually agree with mine. Forget those guys, but maybe it would be more correct to say that they never knew, that the consent earns about ideas, proposals and actions in favor of something or someone, not AGAINST activity. Demolish me and others, wanting to travel for a few minutes in a dream world of someone not in use; not necessary to people who try to do it, does not serve the country, serves only to satisfy children's ill-concealed frustration, various diseases and, perhaps, for someone Specifically, it sold for non-payment or repayment of credits roll. In the face of accurate and reliable legal advice that suggested to me to denounce these crimes are imposed on me not to. I was wrong? Maybe I'm wrong because I have not considered that, in the absence of autonomy brain of subjects, healthy carriers of minds clouded in need of anti-inflammatory treatment, complaint would be the only way to stop them, making it a service to the country and its good name (unfortunately, the spread over the Internet is devastating). The great achievement that they are getting, the mental masturbation, is to cry out to so many famous people and above all suspicion: "How is it that there are people in Ravello lowest level so?". As for the defense of anonymity that they are feeding on the Web, it is most explanatory of their heritage: 1) You say young and floggings of corruption and illegality, and 2) they pose to the best of the country, 3) have a presumption to be the best worldwide and, therefore, of having to manage their orchestras in Villa Rufolo, to the directors and presidents of all there is to supervise and preside over, however I keep wondering: how can such a country with so and so many brains must resort to traditional methods of Camorra , mafia, crime, ignorance, which is precisely the anonymity? Maybe take pleasure with themselves for my healthy and continue to look into the eyes of their people, they feel superior beings, are proud to fight the "evil monster".

ü And the country? Ordinary people doing? Good question !!!!! I tried to answer The conclusion I have reached is that the socio-cultural community is much slower than a mayor-dreamer can imagine. Ravello has made much progress, but certainly not enough to enable the mass action does not underestimate the virulent evil, against the infamy can do especially on young people, devastation. In a country more worthy of its past, some actions such written on walls, blogs, vulgar, lack of respect for decent people and guests, would have caused the indignation of all. Instead, the silence, pace of a minority that, mortified, and as always nice, voiced everything and more. On the other hand, if we consider that an entire group of council majority, against the express request of a minority, refused to adopt a resolution of solidarity with a city councilman and a minister hit by the hand of the above, it is almost normal the most is not the idea of \u200b\u200bindignation. Reassure the distinguished gentlemen of the majority, a mayor and two included: if it ever appear any libel against them (it seems that the mother of idiots is always pregnant), I will personally sponsor of a resolution of solidarity, hoping that they can receive hundreds of certificates from all over Italy as it happened to me, with no difference between right and left. I remember a question that how many will remain unanswered: the majority think, gentlemen, friends graphomania that Ravello has made a good impression in Italy with the recent outbreak of idiocy hymns ?????? They think they applaud the diligent newspaper that gave prominence to the immediate news ????? Everything as expected: only a happy and carefree handling of the country.

ü I must make amends to them: well aware, one had escaped me: I was not aware that in the face of my choice I would have to undergo the following actions:

· toyota 4 tires cut;

· a rubber cut 500

; · a plate removed 500;

· 1 coat cut 500;

· two tires cut 500

· a saddle cut wasp;

· 1 coat cut 500;

· a saddle cut wasp;

· an internal damage 500

· 1 plate cut 500 (NB There are repetitions, single episodes are collected during the last 36 months)

Needless to say, I continue to greet some "mechanical damage, and even here a question arises: but after the damage you feel better? In the evening you go to sleep more comfortable? When you look in the mirror you see the most beautiful and brave? Do you think you're ruining my life? If your answers are yes, go ahead and do not stop. Knowing I'm doing a work of charity makes me feel better as well.

After many questions, so to speak rhetoric in the sense that will be missed, not a rhetorical question there and hope to get answers. It 'clear that continuing it would be rather masochistic on my part, but, more importantly, it would not be fair to my family that can not continue to suffer for his sins certainly not. However I imagine only two possible solutions:

1) You return to old battles starting to follow the magnifying glass deeds and misdeeds of an administration sloppy and superficial, that the administrative law proves to have a liberal interpretation. We initiate some detailed complaints to bring to the attention of the Judiciary expressly ask for specific facts and prosecute offenders.

2) fled the field leaving after 34 uninterrupted years, the City Council which is now a pale, faded double for many other councils, which saw at least Municipal Councillors sit real and authentic, quant'anche approximated in Italian and at least once a year or holy days, expressing their thoughts, and did not appear surreal and silent as statues, three years for mere onlookers in the dominant writer of narcissism and smidollataggine unsuccessful. Not as an escape from responsibility or lack of courage, but simply a defense of personal dignity, if not at heart to most surely is dear to people like me who has struggled with his teeth to get their results, and can not allow four delinquentelli continue to speak ill from overwork. Which one is more just, wise and appropriate? There is a third possibility? On these questions would be nice to start a debate and hear what he thinks the majority of the country. Something I will be sure to support my final decision with the thinking of many people as possible. I want to close my reflections with a thought that is directed solely to the sappers and detractors: After my decision you would do well to give you a set. I will not allow to anyone to trample on my name and my property, whatever the cost. Those who have tried to do it before you, but with very different thickness but not height, if they have repented bitterly.


Boogers On Bathroom Walls

by the third letter of ...



"I have a heavy suspicion that there is perverse journalistic director behind these initiatives, which I find scontranti, put in place to sully the image of the town." E 'assertion the mayor of Ravello Paul Imperato after the two attacks in the press suffered less than a week.

" Saturday, April 25 at the presence of President Bassolino, at a time that was to be characterized by extreme relaxation on an institutional level, appeared an interview with De Masi through which you attempted to delegitimize the image of ' city \u200b\u200badministration, however, I believe that if the commitment was enhanced by the statements that Bassolino and attention devoted to projects that the regional government has financed.

All works sometimes vital first recovery of an extraordinary piece of history that is Bishop's House, not to mention the auditorium outdoors, in central position with respect to the Cathedral and Villa Rufolo, not to mention finally that the ramp connecting via Boccaccio returns to pedestrian traffic decongestion also directed to the auditorium. Today I read this initiative, which has an ironic title now and see if there was a technical panel at the Department of Tourism of the Campania region, called to consider the draft of the town of Ravello presented through the thematic call.

This is the suspect. Expressed on the ten reasons I think that reproduce a useless controversy, stale and dated. Because beyond the positions that we took at the time the work is now a given certain and incontrovertible: the town of Ravello is involved in the forefront of completion. It 's a certain fact that the entire technical apparatus is exceptional depth energies in this direction. It 's a certain fact that the mayor of Ravello has echoed that guarantees a need for is to see the work completed quickly enough to convene a board of supervisors dedicated to the acceleration of delivery times. I further underscore: the town has never challenged the foundation.

It 's a lie. We contrasted the management in an attempt to open it and to guide the action in the interest of all Ravello in order to spread the benefits of that body in favor of all the operators of this city and to celebrate all the local professionals. On the last part of the appeal should be established all around the truth, clear, clear and without pretense. The town became a spokesman for a proposal that is envisioned as entirely legitimate, identified as managing partner of the Foundation of the auditorium Ravello.

But we did before and still ensure spokesman, interpreter of popular sovereignty, a need was greater than that of removing a heavy fault fell on our heads and made up of the employment of a major position as Villa Rufolo in favor of the opposition leader. It escapes no one that this policy leads to an obvious incompatibility in a neutral setting up what should be the foundation should be in charge, of course, but also to avoid everything that goes regularly to determine how successful the creation of a plot to internal organizational management of Villa Rufo entirely one-sided and biased.

add that a model was proposed reorganization of the foundation because it brings to service all the structures in place and are ongoing (Villa Rufolo, Auditorium, Bishop's House, auditorium and outdoor complex of the Annunciation) pass through a single authoritative and coordinated by a control room above the professionalism of the parties, as a general manager.

This working hypothesis has been irresponsibly and with stubborn myopia opposed by President De Masi. Today the situation is this: the council auditorium facility owner Oscar Niemeyer has the institutional duty to ensure the full functioning. There is a serious project and credible but above all is the commitment to imagine a series of major events from the inaugural whose validity can not be doubted by any pain of a heavy fall in the ridiculous. "