Supervelocissimo post to show the jobs that were sent to Rome that dear girl, Irene, that makes me pleased as this Sunday in December, putting them on display in its booth at the flea market at the Black Out, Casilina 173 to Rome . Many are old creations that I had produced and saved for an occasion like this, then that's better than not removable to make me a little 'know?!? Council who has the opportunity to pass to get around this event, it will be fun;)
Superfast post to show you my works That Have Been Sent to my friend in Rome, Irene, who make me a pleasure to show this sunday Them on her stand, and Japan During cosplay fair in Black Out, Casilina 173, Rome. The most of Them are old creations that i made for a similar occasion, I know what's Better Than Them During a show like this famous fair?!? :) Hoping you like Them, and Hoping people'll love them:)
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