Good friends Saturday night, this time I'm going to show you these two tickets prepared for a market that will participate:) for the first, with the lovely angel of TGF , I used pink card, written Hero Arts , white roses Before Flowers , paper American Crafts. It seems that swings on a cloud-swing, happy and carefree, non è vero?
Good saturday evening friend, this time I'm going to show you this two new works, made for an "exposition" during which a dear friend will host my creations in her stall :) for the first, with deliscious angel by TGF , I used pink paper for the back, Hero Arts writing, Prima Flower white roses, American Crafts paper. Seems that she's swinging on a cloud-swing, happy and thoughtsless, isn't true?

Per il secondo invece, ho optato per lo sposo del nuovo set TGF : può essere un biglietto playful and fun for a husband for the day of SanValentino. I used buttons for the domestic ticket Basic Grey, My Minds Eye paper, tape and written without a computer, to the outer envelope of black cardboard, ribbon and flowers Before ... is no question among those who was elected the favorite;)
For the second I Decided to use new bridegroom fro TGF set: It Could Be a funny card for a husband for Valentine's Day:) I used for card inside buttons Basic Grey, My Minds Eye paper, ribbon and writing made with computers, for black outside envelope paper, ribbon and flowers Before ... I think, if the writing says "for my husband preferred, how much has the Husbands wife? : D

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