Segnalo the release of two excellent CD, "San Glisente " by Carlo Giordani and "energy Now" by WK569 ( Federico Troncatti - Piero Villa - Ezio Martinazzi ). These two works different from each other, both with not very comfortable but valuable packages are the result of the passion of some friends in the first case of Field Recording, in seconds instead of Electronic Music.
As the report notes inside the case, "Sanglisente sound could be described as a photograph, or rather, a documentary without images: it is of field recordings [...] performed with the specific intent to capture sounds and soundscapes ". These recordings were made by his friend Carlo Giordani (in collaboration with Ezio Martinazzi) on "Mount San Glisente, an ancient place of worship, located at 1956 meters [...] over the area of \u200b\u200bBerzo Inferiore (BS). [...] Place of unusual simplicity and beauty [...]". For those who keep their assets in the memories of the sounds of the mountains, the pastures, shepherds, cows, flies, grass, dogs, clouds ... so all those noises typical of alpine sound experiences, this album will certainly be of great interest; even moving. For those who lack this "music", will be a new territory to explore (it's not too late to do it physically) that will bring many surprises even the most discerning listeners, thanks to the great sound quality of the recording and reproducing amazingly realistic details . to this address: http://alink2thepast.blogspot.com/2010/03/una-lunga-gestazione.html found any useful information.
As for "Energy Now" technical explanations remain dormant as it is, in my opinion, a kind of CD / reconnaissance plane launched a space-sound composition unexplored, and this explains the absence of explanatory notes to 'inside the box. If that penalizes lack full understanding of the work, does not limit the appeal. Listening to this "e-generation real-time editing with subtractive in deferred time," evokes the music of another, as if originating just a mo (n) do "other", different, design, mix and maybe even hear sounds, get lost in it gives the sensation of a journey through the cosmos. Pending further developments I think are looking for something new in music, not predictable or obvious, for those who love getting lost in strange worlds of sound, listening to "Power Now" will give a lot of satisfaction. Here is the email address to ask for myspace to listen to a snippet: posta@wk569.eu - http://www.myspace.com/wk569
Enjoy it.
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