was beginning a tender soft-eyed bundle, we found it by accident and now the curammo lovingly.
We looked full of expectations and devotion, as we were two omnipotent deity East.
The days were changing each other, love had simply deleted the time.
It is said that happiness can only be understood when it ends for us was not so, feel at every moment, we were immersed in it and we eat it by osmosis.
As a mascot, the little animal that accompanied our timeless time.
I can not say with certainty how or why the change happened, I only know that although he continued to feed and care for the animal with the same passion, his appearance deteriorated.
Every day the hair became more ragged, the body swells to abnormal speed and his gaze shifted, first from docile do not mind, then, at times, seemed even to notice of the auction in his eyes.
It was then that the spell started to crack and the time taken to run.
I was upset, I could not explain those changes, until a restless night I awoke and discovered only in the bed.
Getting up to find my love I saw in the window, down into the courtyard, go to the barn where he tied the beast.
were the last days of summer, the nearly full moon, high in the sky unnaturally clear.
naked you advanced in the blue moon, without leaving fingerprints, frightening and beautiful.
Then I saw her every night I never knew what with being harbored unrecognizable now that once was our loving amulet.
I stopped all treatment and for months no longer even opened the door where he was locked up.
sometimes from behind the boards came sounds horrible that I pretended not to hear.
Only once I saw the animal.
the middle of winter I climbed on the roof of the barn to fix some uneven tiles and a board torn from the wall of the barn, I saw inside.
I fainted, and I was poured on for several hours.
When I came, I was still caught in a paralyzing fear.
It took tens of minutes before I found the strength to get up and go ashore.
The sky is cold and clear and also tonight the moon is almost full.
not sleep, soon will rise and my love for the last time, cobalt jellyfish, will float toward the barn.
Under the bed, my father's gun is loaded and two cartridges.
It 's almost time, I hope to have the courage.
my love.
34 by Stefano Berardi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Italy License .
Permissions beyond the scope of this license May be available at http://uomoinmutande.blogspot.com/ .
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