The project aims to produce a music that can be defined by the company and the company produced, all contributing to its creation, knowingly or not, but no one has ultimate control.
Some are aware of their actions produce results, some not, some act accordingly, others do not.
The will of the individual is important but can not overrule the majority, no one can determine the ultimate product that will be the sum of the behaviors of each.
In this sense it will be a anarcodemocrazia sound representation of a phonogram the "weight" of individuals and the product of "masses".
The entire surface is covered with square panels, each of which is a walkable scale.
All panels / scales are connected to a computer that coordinates the surveys and thus produce the sounds associated with the parameters selected.
The number of people who are on a panel will produce a particular sound event that will change as a result of the increase or decrease the number of people (weight) on the panel.
Since the square is a place for parking is transit, the sounds will be in constant motion / change thus producing a real composition, the music landscape.
The sounds produced by the individual scales are naturally to be determined as the unit of sound production and other parameters.
The only sounds may vary depending on weight or any weight could have different characteristics from others.
Music horizontal by Stefano Berardi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License .
Permissions beyond the scope of this license May be available at .
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