The project was born in the country of Cerveno (Bs), a place where hard to find a point where we can not hear the singing of a fountain, where I spent most of 'childhood.
In places like this, the sound of fountains and accompanying cradle the people day and night without interruption for a lifetime and, I believe, become an integral part of people and influence the living.
From these discussions the idea of \u200b\u200bpreserving the sound of the fountains.
The job is to visit the Valley Camonica area where the project is limited, searching for fountains interesting from the point of view of aesthetics and sound, excluding the most recent od'arredo urban and recorded "singing". Everything should be made in an audio cd.
Fountains concerned are those civilians, those who, like the headlights, for example, are endangered; obsolete for the purpose it has generated. Now not be built almost fountains of use, many are deleted, others let go to ruin, and if it is true that in the future we will even water wars, probably the fountains will be closed or demolished; certainly no longer the free-running water and constant access.
The public fountain in the name already contains the nature of sharing, common good, which is the opposite of privatization, ownership, profit. Life itself, survival strategies and needs common practices, compel us to unite as humanity, to share, as if that were the natural flow of things and all forms of exclusivity and closure went against the grain.
method was chosen for recording from very close (Macro), as it enhances the characteristics of each subject. Registration distance corresponds to the memory of sound that you have the fountain, but depersonalized as moving away from "sound source", you get closer to the noise (white noise), with the further consequence that all records are alike.
As we have said, to recording macros will be added to other longer distance, to capture and preserve the environment even more realistic sound of the fountain as it is engraved in the collective memory.
The Song of the fountain is influenced by many factors besides those related to the recording, just slightly different flow or water level in the tank and thus the sound changes. Climatic conditions also affect the results of all these factors but it does not matter, since the same is true, for example, for the registration of a violin. What is important is to preserve the "song" of the fountain in its essence.
• fascination for the sounds of the fountains;
• work on preserving the aural memory;
• the fountain as a symbol of sharing and protecting water as a common good.
Draft: Stefano Berardi.
Fontane Group consists of: Stefano Berardi, Carlo Giordani, Ezio Martinazzi.
www.uomoinmutande / gid = 349693107546
Project Fontane by Stefano Berardi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License .
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Fontanacqua by Stefano Berardi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - Noncommercial - No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License .
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