A format, that of the Amalfi Coast, without denying that the Wagnerian mold of traditional chamber music, is aimed at multidisciplinary ': eight sections in the program (from symphonic music to dance, cinema and the visual arts, theater-news 'complete edition of the re - design) more' of 100 events over five months and the presence of 800 artists from all over the world. These are numbers that international appointment, in a series of daily events, will take 'the road - on the stage overlooking a panorama of the most' beautiful in the world - June 26, with the return of the orchestra to the direction of John Axelrod the Teatro San Carlo and the piano Ivo Pogolerich. Do not miss the debut of the great violinist Vadim Repim Campania and in the night between 10 and 11 the traditional concert at dawn, one of the most 'famous festival, as well as outstanding between the sticks, Jeffrey Tate.Tra what 's new this year for the Jazz, the highly anticipated duo Korea-Bollani first time ever on stage, give life, with strokes of the plane, not a challenge, but rather an exchange between the sounds' jazz fusion Chik and those of the young composer Bollani, who became internationally famous for his experiments.
Unprogramma ambitious, with a budget of around € 2 million and a half (the one made available by the Foundation for two-thirds private Monte dei Paschi and only one-third public, the province and city region), which points out how even De Masi to "seasonally adjust" the festival, a goal made possible by the acquisition of such spaces Villa Episcopio-known to most 'for being Jackeline Kennedy's summer residence, but also the home of Lieutenant of the Realm Vittorio Emanuele - Auditorium and Niemeyer, next inauguration, whose project won dall'archistar of Brasilia, had been blocked for years. The intention of the promoters in short, making music and not just 365 days a year, also pointing to the training, a school of cultural managemant will allow 'young people from around the world to study and work with teachers in Ravello of exception for cinema Lina Wertmuller. Section A young man who still plays the "role of poor relation" - said the director-growing but because 'the purpose and' to cultivate the beauty, the art of cinema, history and landscape, as the "oil" of our country.
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