The myth of drowning in Ravello poisons. (We're drowning!)
War to manage the auditorium Niemeyer's "The City wants to destroy this miracle"
Salvaggiulo Joseph (left La Stampa)
to go to war there is no place in the world less suitable pearl of the Amalfi Coast in Ravello, "heaven on earth" - in paradise land - as Americans write books for guests in hotels, only instills harmony. It is no accident has inspired over the centuries, Gore Vidal and Richard Wagner, Greta Garbo and Jackie Kennedy. Yet it argues. It happens for ten years and now, when it seemed high time for peace, as they've started and more than before. The field of battle is always a sliver of land on which will be ready in two months the auditorium, designed by Oscar Niemeyer. Each city the world would dream work signed by the great Brazilian architect. Ravello, 2500 inhabitants, had free. Project given by Niemeyer, works with 19 million financed by the EU. But here, instead of partying, it makes war. Before the dispute concerned the construction of the auditorium, with dozens of disputed claims, displayed, appeals. There currently is divided on the management: who wanted the Foundation Ravello is not. Those who have opposed the policy nor claim to exclusivity. The risk is that the operator closes before being inaugurated. "If you go back do not start this adventure for anything in the world," sighs Domenico De Masi. Renowned sociologist, Department of Culture in the 90's, now presides over Fondazione Ravello which organizes the festival and has made the leap in quality in recent years. "We went to Ravello is a small place in Switzerland in a friendly Mediterranean, choosing an international tourism, cultured and wealthy. A miracle," he says. 42 percent of visitors are foreigners. On 18 hotels, 5 are five star. "But it's cold in October, the hotels close. So in 2000 we had the idea of \u200b\u200bthe auditorium to make them work in the winter, with cultural events and conventions, along the lines of Cernobbio. De Masi was to contact his friend Niemeyer, who envisioned the auditorium without ever having been here, sketched a visionary sketch and presented it. Today the sketch, a sort of big eye concrete glass and opened the Gulf of Salerno, has become a reality: 400 seats, panoramic plaza, underground parking. So far it looks like a fairy tale. From this point onwards the paradoxes. To realize just an aperitif in the square with Salvatore Di Martino, strong man of the City Council (Deputy Mayor ago because he could no longer do the mayor) and historical opponent of the auditorium: "It's a useless. Bring the convention here? an idiot. Draft Niemeyer? Quite nice, though better in plastic than in reality. " Two years ago, with the slogan "No to the auditorium," Di Martino won the election by 14 votes Secondo Amalfitano, outgoing mayor and sponsor the work, who now works in Foundation. Between the two there are old grievances. Amalfitano years ago contributed to the arrest of Di Martino, mayor. Now Di Martino has asked the Foundation to oust his rival, who protested: "They're mobbed, they want the death of Ravello. The last installment of this never-ending soap opera is staged in recent days. The auditorium is ready and the Foundation asked the municipalities to manage: "You do not want it, and yes we also have the right skills." Never, says the City: The property is ours, and even if we were against, now do not reject the "toy". That is half a million euro a year of public funds, fifteen recruitment than the business of bars and garages. Paradox in the paradox: the City is a member of the Foundation, together with the Province, Region and Montepaschi, but the Foundation does not want to cooperate. Separated at home (and not just figuratively: the home of the Foundation and the City). In the last year, De Masi wrote letters to the City 8. "Neither do I say more," the deputy mayor gloss. "De Masi think of the festival, the auditorium, we can handle it alone." Palpable antipathy between the two runs. "De Masi Niemeyer brought you here?" And I wore Gore Vidal, giving him an honorary citizen, when in town said no, it's queer. " For the opening of De Masi wants to invite Napolitano and President Lula of Brazil. The City does not think either, and asked for a € 400 000 three days of concerts. The Region, bothered by the controversy, has blocked the funds. Result: everything stopped. The City does not have the money to do it alone. The Foundation, funded by the MPS, we would have them but is cut off. Nothing is known of the inauguration. Management, starting so late, it will be bankruptcy, at least in the early years. And the great eye of Niemeyer, rather than open sea, is likely to remain sadly closed on Ravello.
3 questions: Claudio Velardi, commissioner of the Campania Region for Tourism and Cultural Heritage, seen as yet another controversy sull'auditorium?
"The auditorium is a big project, it is not true that is useless. But you have to manage it well. The City has the hardware, ie the ownership, the Foundation has the software skills. Alone do not combine anything. You have to find a solution. "
So far there have been successful. And at the center of all there are old rivalries and grudges between former Mayor and current Deputy Mayor.
" It is a tussle between two small non-recoverable elders local challenge as the Montagues and Capulets. Meanwhile, I suspended the funds: common sense is all step back. "
What is the risk?
" What the auditorium become another white elephant. Here the EU funds are spent for renovations and major public works, but without thinking of the following: how to handle them, how to make them productive? No one thinks first, and after it is too late. "