but I think there
there still believe the shock
nnuje a bit there 'save'
noticed you make a nun 'mbriacato'
How many letters ... and then he says that people do not write more!
Dear voters and electric on the Amalfi Coast this is the first of a series of political statements that I intend to release to clarify my political position and to explain the reasons that led me to accept the nomination to the province in the list Di Pietro Italia dei Valori. My goal is also to bring to public attention a number of problems of the population of the Coast also common in other areas that do not seem to have the right emphasis while still being felt in the subject that is locale.Uno closest to his heart is as follows:
Since the policy is based on consensus, then, before the election, it triggers the "recruitment drive" during which all parties are trying to corner the candidate who offers the highest package of votes without the slightest interest in the moral qualities of the candidate and how that guarantee those votes! Let's say that somewhere (like mine) the threshold of attention on the candidates is higher but the goal remains to take as many votes as possible. The nice thing is that disarming or better, by now, the "leap of quail" does not offend anyone. For many politicians move from an array of center-left to a center-right or vice versa has become routine (consistency this unknown!). You should accaso where more or better where you have more chance to make a political career that guarantees some job! This kind of attitude may in part explain the unenviable reputation of politicians in Italy and the sense of revulsion that the policy generates many citizens. Well, after this idyllic picture that I left you a glimpse of you, rightly, you ask, but, then, because you're a newcomer to the policy you choose to accept the nomination and the chance to become part of this world?
Well, certainly I can not say that illustrious friends have called my job and I was urged to accept this challenge (perhaps because I do not have famous friends really). In fact those few friends that I have consulted I have strongly recommended to enter the political arena citing the usual reasons:
1) but who makes you do
2) you have you own an asset to the public
3) the policy is not suitable for those ideals
4) politics reign supreme evil, malice and personal attacks
5) all those who "bring" in politics do so only for personal interest
6) you'll see that someone does not greet you more
The greeting! Well, if I had doubts whether to accept the nomination that was the spring. That made me take the decisione.Noi who live in small towns know that sometimes the local elections can become almost dramatic moments where you compare the sides a armed against each other (with the aggravating circumstance that you are familiar with all of them). Adhere publicly to a team in practice, you do so at your own risk. For voters, in fact, openly siding for a list means facing the possibility that the leaders and members of other lists, in some cases, they take it to death. Become the real possibility of "not feeling to respond to a greeting" just because you vote the other way. The problem is that the "phenomenon" may be set aside not only lists but also to the members of the "supporters" that can sometimes be the most rowdy. Of course if the principal representatives of the lists and gave a good example by taking berating those who adopt inappropriate attitudes to the voters and opponents of the candidates would solve the problem. Unfortunately, these interventions do not always mitigate the moods you experience. It can happen, then, that if you go for a coffee in a particular bar, you go to shopping in a particular food shop, there you go cut hair from a particular hairdresser etc etc or even if you greet a person then you could hear the little word of friend and the friend who "dissuades us from having these acquaintances ". Well, the end result is that some, not to question the "military" policy, when they can, a real risk that that person is not healthy and not to go for coffee in that cafe, etc. just because it's the other side. When you get to this (fortunately rare) then it is the end. The country is riven by internal feuds that they may even "split" families and relatives also close fight between them because the other has voted otherwise. After this picture "reassuring" the general policy and local level that I have drawn you think those are the ones who approach the project with enthusiasm and proactive attitude and disinterested in politics with the aim to improve things? Few, but very very few! With the result that the policy at the local level remains in the hands of the usual suspects who want to be good, let's say that does not favor the entry of new players in local politics in the future that could gain credibility and create an alternative list. Let it never be! It took me a bit ', but I got to the point.
Well my candidacy paradoxically aims to get as many votes as possible but is much more bold and utopian: to promote a generational change of local politics in each country of the coast, giving visibility to people who otherwise would not have the chance.
reiterating that I greet you all in improving things
I believe it.
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